Sunday 2 January 2011

Mega quick lunch

Here is a simple one to start with, can be eaten hot or cold

1 Chop up:
Turkey steaks
Mixed peppers
Half a red onion
Spare veg (1/2 a courgette this time)

2 Sprinkle with smoked paprika

3 Add to a wok with some rapeseed oil

4 Fry until cooked

5 Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and maybe some lime juice

6 Eat


  1. Dude, just made a version of this. Very nice it is as well. Good skill.

  2. I had it for lunch today as well!

  3. Once again attempted this with chicken, but we also used pak choi, and chicory. The chicken doesn't seem to take on much of the paprika favouring. Are you using a strong variant?
